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July 16, 2019 1 min read

Being a mum of 4 children means unfortunately our number three and four child tend to get a few hand-me downs, including the mattresses as the two older children moved to double beds.

Poppy was always saying to me “mum your mattress is so soft and mine is so hard” and she is always keen to jump in my bed in the night!

I contacted Sleep X after seeing rave reviews and how easy the delivery process was. Having 4 children means delivery needs to be a simple as possible, ha ha I never go to the shops

They suggested the “serenity soft” and we made our order. What I find incredible about this mattress company is that not only can you order 6 different sizes but if you order a double, queen or king you can order different comfort levels for each side!

A matter of days later, our mattresses arrived which is amazing as we live in far north Queensland and postage can be a nightmare! BUT if you live in a metropolitan area, you can receive your mattress by 2pm on the same day you order!

The mattresses arrive in a box and with a simple snip and a lot of fun, the girls unrolled their mattresses and watched them grow.

They have been sleeping on their mattresses for three weeks now and love them and they even comment on how pretty they are.

May I add, there are not the same amount of midnight visits to my bed either.

From start to finish the process was so simple and I would highly recommend the SleepX mattresses

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